Excursion detailInspector Montalbano Tour - Excursions from Port
An exclusive tour among the wonders of the land of Commissioner Montalbano!
Vigata and Montelusa are places that are imaginary and real at the same time: Porto Empedocle is Vigata and Girgenti is Montelusa. During this day tour we will follow in the steps of Salvo Montalbano and the other members of Vigata's small police force.
The tour starts in the city centre of Montelusa (Agrigento) where we will find the Commissioner's office (Questura) and San Francesco Square. We will walk along Via Atenea to the Santo Spirito Library where Montalbano finds the book that helps him understand the mystery of the Terracotta Dog.
The excursion continues to Vigata, passing by the Pasture. Stop at the Tower of Charles V (described in Camilleri's first book) and at the pier to admire the sight of Vigata from the sea.
Later, we will walk in Vigata city centre to Salita Granet and Caffè Vigata with references to various works of Andrea Camilleri that are set there. Leisure time to partake the small town atmosphere which surrounds Camilleri's characters. Last stops are the Marinella (Montalbano's house) and Scala dei Turchi, another place often described in the novels.